Lesson 6 Why Cannabis?

Cannabis, as a self-care tool, offers a powerful 'reset' glimpse of wellbeing. It acts as a catalyst to help jumpstart a life-long journey of whole-person health and wellness.
The cannabis plant was here before we were. As long as humans have walked the earth the cannabis plant has been available, growing freely. Coincidence? [6]
The whole of the plant has been used for centuries [7] as an overall health tonic. In 1992 it was discovered that cannabis molecules actually connected to the receptors of a previously unknown physiological system of all mammals. Aptly, it was named: the endocannabinoid system (ECS). [8] The ECS in our bodies has been proven to contain chemical molecules that are exactly mimicked by chemical compounds in cannabis. [9] Science has proven that a healthy ECS is critical to the homeostasis (balance of health) for most all of the body's regulatory systems.
Evidence-based science indicates the cannabis plant's effectiveness in the reduction of anxiety, stress and depression. [10] With self-care therapeutic dosing, it can provide a beneficial, restorative effect on the mind and deepest self, the soul.
Your action step for this lesson: Read and review the links in this lesson to understand more about the ECS and the benefits of having a healthy ECS . Write something you learned about the ECS in your journal.
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